Thursday 17 January 2008



Something I've always enjoyed doing is Sneezing. This is somewhat shown I reckon by the fact that I capitalized the S just then, as if it were a name of some deity we should be worshipping.

A sneeze is a semi-autonomous, convulsive expulsion of air (and usually a bunch of other stuff that body don't fancy), from the lungs.

The average speed of a sneeze is about 90 MPH. In doing research (HA!) for this entry for the guide. I found that the JFK Health World Museum in Barrington Illinois, claim that a sneeze can go as fast as 85% of the speed of sound or approximately 630 miles per hour. Now I don't know about you, but I reckon they're talking bollocks.

Luckily I'm one of the few people (only 17% to 35% of humans are effected) who suffer from 'Photic sneeze reflex', or 'Sneezing-when-you-look-at-the-sun-like-an-idiot'. I learnt a few years ago that this was effectively a defect. It's not meant to happen. I was gutted. basically my brain was getting confused when it saw bright lights and panicked, "OH NOES WE'RE BEING ATTACKED WHATDOIDO? JUST SNEEZE IT'LL SORT IT"

At 90MPH though; I think sneezing is fucking great. The build up anyway. The *actual* sneeze can be a bit of let down. Plus it startles others, and none of us like that.

Example for you? SURE LOL

I heard not long ago (and reminded the other day), about a myth that a sneeze was the equivalent to 1/8th of an orgasm. Mind you, don't get thinking that if you sneezed eight times SUPERQUICK, you'll achieve that wondrous sensation that is the 'gasm. Because you won't, it'll just be 8/64th of one. (And if you can pull off eight in a row, and we're talking a proper row [SNEEZE, SNEEZE, SNEEZE]. We'll be impressed and maybe even like you a bit more. So by all means. GoogleTube yourself and let us know.)

You won't get anything though apparently. 'Cause look, according to that rhyme thing that your Nan always said when you blasted snot everywhere as a child. You'll get absolutely nothing at all for eight sneezes. Rubbish.

It went:

"One for a wish
Two for a kiss
Three for a letter
Four for something better
Five for silver
Six for gold
Seven for a secret,
Never to be told."

That's crap.

"THANKS VERY MUCH". To be honest there are loads of rhymes, some of which go up to ten.

But I'd never believe any of that. Don't listen to them for they are liars! I sneezed thrice a lot when I was younger. I never got any letters. Appalling.

If you enjoy it, there's a whole bunch of tips on the Internet (where else?) The one I find most effective is the gently-put-your-finger-in-your-sniffer-then-hum-until-you-sneeze thing. Vibratey-nose ftw. Or I just look at the sun. :)