I love Canada. It's a great place. So it was only so long until I decided to go. I discussed with my good friend Clark (Whom I had the Easter conversation with) on Monday night. And we planned to go the next day.
Here are some pictures from our trip to Canada.
Clarky said he'd get to my house 'somewhere between 11am and 12am', I went to bed earlier than usual to MAKE SURE I'd be up in time for his arrival. I woke up at half 11. Shit. I frantically looked for my phone, expecting a text asking where the hell I was, with a bunch of missed calls, but nothing, so I washed my hair and he arrived just after I came out of the bathroom. Which was handy.
Clarky's helpful instructions guided us the entire journey. Far better than any sat-nav.
It didn't take too long before we started seeing signs for Canada. We were getting pretty excited! We'd heard so much about it.
Driving through Canada. The main road in Canada was the rather aptly named 'Canada Road'.
We found a nice place to park, called 'Canada Common'. Where we could take in the breathtaking views of Canada.
I was dead happy to finally arrive in Canada.
We got out of the car and we saw a rather large field, it's actually part of the New Forest. The very edge of it.When my friend described this as looking 'like a dump', I brought it up later as saying she 'called the New Forest a dump'... Turns out she didn't know it was the New Forest. I thought it was funny how it suddenly came off as more offensive when she knew it was a national park, it was still the same place, it still looked how it did. But it suddenly makes it *not* look like a dump. Funny that.
Clarky and I, despite just seeing this area and not a lot else, were still pretty chuffed about being in Canada. As shown in the following snaps.
I've no idea what that big brown muddy patch under me was all about. A lot of people must sit on that bench and swing their legs because they're so happy about being in Canada. When it was my turn on the bench, I took the horizontal approach.
After a while, we decided it was time to leave Canada and make our way home. On the way back we stopped at a service station, Clarky and I both share a love of these places, we've thought about doing a 'super-cool-guide'-style guide for them, a book purely following our trips to visit service stations.
Clark bought some chocolate, at least I assume he did, a Mars Duo if I'm right in thinking. And I got a packet of Walkers Roast Chicken. It was dead yummy. I did what I usually do to crisp packets. At some point I'll go into this amazing folding procedure in detail.
To sum it up, yes, Canada was boring. Yes, there was fuck all there. But would I go back?
We're planning a second trip.